It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog post here but I am still alive and have been extremely busy! I kicked off this week by publishing a new video called “How To Mae A Pen With Coloured Pencils” and designing a T-shirt!
The video is now on Youtube and just got featured on the Instructables Homepage! The project was extremely enjoyable but challenging and I have learned that turning coloured pencils is not for the faint hearted.
In the video I made a set of pen blanks from pencils and turn them into a slimline pen. I applied a CA finish to make the pen nice and shiny and I’m so stoked with how the finished piece looked!

I have big plans for the Youtube channel and hope to start a regular video series in the near future. I’ve been a quiet on the content creation over the summer due to time commitments. I was honoured to be best man at my buddy’s wedding, went travelling in Croatia, had a blast at a festival and had the busiest quarter ever on Etsy!
Between making rings and living life I had no time to document my projects but that stops here! I will be devoting more time to content creation and I’ve designed an initial merch line to help support me financially.
Check out this design I made for a wood turners t-shirt! I was inspired by my friend Mat from Sursum Tattoo studio to design a shirt in a traditional tattoo style. The scroll reads “Slave To The Lathe” and the design features a skew chisel! I couldn’t find any cool t-shirts for wood turners so I had to design one!