This is a video of my best man speech and I hope it will help you with writing a best man speech of your own!
This was recorded on the 28th of August 2016 at Castello Di Montalto, Tuscany, Italy. The wedding was beautiful and a big congratulations are due to my best buddy Matt Price and his bride Charissa. The whole event really was a trip of a lifetime!
When Mat asked me to be best man I was truly honoured but I was pretty nervous knowing that I’d have to deliver a good speech for one of the funniest people I know. The big crowd was also pretty intimidating so I knew I’d have to pull out all of the stops!
I was lucky to have lots of ammunition for the speech as me and Mat go back a long way and have shared many laughs together over the years. I could probably have improvised something semi decent but I wanted to take the time to write the best speech that I possibly could.

I have been best man twice before in the past so I had a fair idea of what was expected of me and the kinds of jokes I could tell but I quickly turned to the internet for inspiration.
The first thing I did was to create a Pinterest board called “Best Man Ideas and Inspiration” which you can find here:
This was where I chose to stockpile my ideas and inspiration for the speech and stag do plans.
Secondly I searched for “funny best man speeches” on Youtube and watched as many as I could. During this time I made notes of funny jokes and how to deliver them.
In the third stage I brainstormed all of the good times I’d shared with Mat, things he had achieved and how his bride had changed him for the better.
Writing a best man speech:
When it came to writing the speech I just followed a template and a few simple rules. I knew there was no need to include silly props or pull stunts and I just wanted to keep it honest.
I knew from common sense not to include offensive language, anything inappropriate from the grooms past, mentioning ex girlfriends, “in jokes” that only the lads would understand or insulting the bride!
For maximum effectiveness the best man speech should include stories that paint the groom in a positive light (especially if they are funny), compliments to the bride and a big old toast at the end! As the last person to deliver a wedding speech it is super important to make it light hearted but sincere and try to liven up the atmosphere.
Here is the general template I used for my best man speech:
Introduction joke
Introduce yourself
Thank the guests for attending
Jokes about the groom
Compliments to the bride
A story of how the bride and groom met
Say something sincere
Best man advice to the bride and groom
Raise a toast
After writing an initial draft of the best man speech I practiced on my own in the mirror and with a few friends as an audience. I then re-wrote the speech twice and just kept on practicing until I was comfortable and had the speech committed to memory. The cool thing though was that I was able to add in a few jokes while I was delivering the speech and this gave it a natural feel.
I hope this video has been helpful and entertaining. If you liked the speech or think it could help another best man to write his wedding speech then please share it! Thank you for watching!